PlayStation News

The Arrival of A.K.I. the Poison Mistress, to Street Fighter 6 Roster

Introducing the addition to the Street Fighter 6 roster. “A.K.I.” is a practitioner of Kenpo, a martial art known for its powerful kicks and punches. She has been trained by the recurring character in Street Fighter, F.A.N.G. Has developed a taste for poison. A.K.I. finds pleasure in inflicting pain on her opponents.

Released on September 27, 2023, as part of the game’s season pass, A.K.I. brings a mix of moves inspired by Kenpo. She combines her combat style with poison-infused attacks that cause damage over time. Her unique abilities include:

Poison Kick: Swiftly kicking her target while coating them with poison.

Poison Claw: Unleashing a slash using her claws

Poison fumes: releasing a cloud of gas to harm her foes

Poison Trap: strategically placing a trap that dispenses gas when an opponent steps on it.

A.K.I.’s versatility is truly exceptional, providing players with playstyle options. You can unleash attacks. Utilize her poison to overpower opponents as a rush-down character. Alternatively, you can control the battlefield by employing poison traps and fumes.

Get ready to experience the power and cunningness of A.K.I. in addition to Street Fighter 6! A.K.I. Brings a style of play, to Street Fighter 6 attracting those who enjoy using poison-infused combat. Her strong abilities have the potential to shake up the game landscape and gather a fan base among players.

Here’s an assessment of A.K.I.’s strengths and weaknesses:


  • Diverse move set with a wide range of options.
  • Poison attacks deliver sustained damage.
  • Effective zoning capabilities with poison traps and fumes
  • Unpredictable due to her sadistic personality.


  • Some moves are slow and susceptible to punishment.
  • Vulnerable against opponents familiar with her move set.
  • Certain characters can cleanse poison attacks.

In conclusion, A.K.I. is a promising addition to the Street Fighter 6 roster, destined to make a significant impact on the game’s competitive landscape. Her potent abilities and unique playstyle are sure to make her a popular choice for players who relish the strategic use of poison in combat.

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